martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

How long does it take until an App is available in the Google Play Store?

I upload my app in the Google Developer Console but it doesnt show at the Google play.

After we publish our application in the Google Market we usually expect that the application is shown inmediatly but sometimes that doesn't happens. We have to take note of theses advises and analyze our situation.

Advice 1:

It generally takes a few (5-30) minutes. In some cases the app has shown up almost immediately, other apps have taken a while longer, but I've never had an app take longer than 30 minutes.

Advice 2:
Just try it on your browser setting the link:  even if it's not indexed in the search, if it's published you will find it, if not, somethings wrong then

Advice 3:
Before publishing, it's important to make sure that your app is designed to run properly on the Android platform versions and device screen sizes that you want to target.
From an app-compatibility perspective, Android platform versions are defined by API level. You should confirm the minimum version that your app is compatible with (<minSdkVersion>), as that will affect its distribution to Android devices once it is published.
For screen sizes, you should confirm that the app runs properly and looks good on the range of screen sizes and densities that you want to support. You should confirm the minimum screen-size and density support that your app declares (<supports-screens>), since that can affect its distribution to Android devices once it is published.

Advice 4:

When you think you are ready to publish, sign in to the Developer Console and take a few moments for a few final checks:
Make sure that:
  • Your developer profile has the correct information and is linked to the proper Google Checkout Merchant account (if you are selling products).
  • You have the right version of the app uploaded.
  • All parts of your Product Details are ready, including all graphic assets, screenshots, video, localized descriptions, and so on.
  • You have set your app's pricing to free or priced.
  • You have set country (and carrier) targeting and priced your products (if appropriate) in buyer currencies
  • "Compatible devices" shows that your app is actually reaching the devices that you are targeting. If not, you should check with your development team on the apps requirements and filtering rules.
  • You have provided the correct link to your web site and the correct support email address.
  • Your app does not violate content policy guidelines.
  • You have acknowledged that your app meets the guidelines for Android content on Google Play and also US export laws.

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